Thursday 30 April 2009

No More DB, More CT.

I was going to post earlier but I have found my life is becoming quite hectic. I've had a thorbbing pain in the back of my knee ever since this person, who I find really annoying, hit me with a football. I screamed at him because he also said something I found quite rude. He hasn't been mean to me since, yay.

But my main reason for this blog, is not to rant, but to say I've making a new version of DeceasedBeats and it is no longer called DeceasedBeats, I currently have it called ColdestTouch. Still about a teenager who is secretly half vampire - unknown to everybody, including herself. But I have a few more twists in it now, I added quite a few more plot points and I had a problem with adding though, I hope I do alright with that now.

I went on facebook the other day, and a friend of mine wrote this comment, I ended up quite cross at her for the way she had been bitching about a certain group of people, myself included. I said to her that it wasn't right, she said we all deserved her comments, the rest of us all started being cross at her. Myself made up with her this morning, still cross at her though. I've been having alot of sleepless nights latley, nightmares. I think something might be wrong, I got myself a doctor's appointment, I feel sick alot of the time. Not a happy bunny.

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